Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Inna Lillahe for Bob Woolmer. Is terrible. Bauhat afsos hua, to chime in with cheesoo. And I can't believe we lost to IRELAND. As S rather aptly put it, it was St. Patrick's Day no less...lol darn Irish luck is all I can say to that. But I am SO upset about this World Cup business, we needed a World Cup this time round, more than anyone else in the world...what with the teargas and rocks and policemen with steel-tipped lathes, scuffles and fires and blood.

i wander the way i always do when i'm reading prufrock. i should have been a pair of ragged claws/scuttling across the floors of silent seas. sometimes i think it's true; then i go dancing. it isn't somehow right that it all ends up tied in me, and yet i feel entitled to it: to grab it by the lapels and say yes, to throw these odds and ends into my backseat and drive away a little too fast, to loll in my little pomes and books beneath a tree and defy the mermaids to sing louder than i. these are good visions to harbour sitting in an open window on a sultry night.

good on you, the former hon'ble mr. justice jawwad khawaja (sounds a bit like prince's naming odyssey) for resigning. you rock.

Mina at 9:17 AM