Friday, May 26, 2006

majal hai keh when a five year old is singing, dancing, running, jumping, swooping in for sudden, gentle kisses, alphabet spelling your incorrectly spelled mithun poster ("m....a.....t....h...a...n"), pretending your calculator is a phone ("HELLOOOOOOO!! AWAAAAZ AARAHHII HAAAAAII?"), crayoning drawings for you, randomly breaking into pushto (their neighbours are pathan), wanting to watch the same 'pink panter' DVD for the zillionth time, putting the three stuffed animals in your room to bed ("babies sojaooo"), giggling, snuggling into your side when you're asleep, being enchanted when you tent a sheet over his head, vrooming a toy truck around your feet hawking imaginary food, doing the twist with you to the pink panther theme song and asking 'kyooooooon' about everysinglething in the world from highlighters to how many is 172..majal hai keh the world should revolve around anything else, or you want it any other way?

Mina at 11:27 AM