Thursday, September 15, 2005
go read fanon. go! go!NO CLASS AT 8:30 A.M! WHY? WHY? WHHAAAYYEEEEEEEE?
apple juice koi pila de...spent the last of my money buying chips for my bhooki miser sister
go read fanon, furrukh daantey ga
ali going today :/
i want a lovely crunchy apple (yapple? aeppel!)
whatisname hashmi was playing joni mitchell on the radio (on the radiooo o-o-o-o-o-o), 'hejira'. he said he'd play s'more later i hope i didn't miss all i want, j'adore all i want. but hejira...very moody sky these days...ha! 'i'm porous with travel fever' isn't that a great albiet debatable sentence
ali is going
read the damn fanon already
snow, by louis macniece
Mina at 9:40 AM