Saturday, July 23, 2005
'so spake X to Y' - a story in two stanzas and holey spacing with springs and some foam stuffing.
they are old as glass particles
on a beach, as random. and
one bolt from the blue
is all it takes for glass particles
to become a funny lump
only they think is pretty
otherwise looks like mad
ness, and falling from a high
cliff with no
parachute, and like drinking
cough syrup on an empty
stomach and thinking the world
is after all flat, because their
souls are so old they stamp their
letters shut on red wax and the press
of a heavy gold and garnet ring and
think the earth is the centre of the
universe and still write letters with
real stamps and addressed in flowing
black inked cursive handwriting, and
listen to grunge music and other strange
things. but they are funny, like that. the
letters still fascinate, they are quite
another world nobody has ever been
to before, and there is no
television there, which is quite
like heaven. only books. and that
is something i bet you have never
known because we us all walk about
much too awake to live properly
because life begins with a dream
dreamt on a blob of
fused glass particles and fusion, as
you know, is
irreversible if you do it properly.
Mina at 11:10 PM