Tuesday, October 19, 2004

i ate bhaiyyay today. afghan tikkay and that cross between naan and roti some places do, so much better than the two asbolutes....then the boys smoked and i folded myself up on my plastic chair (i can fold myself up onto almost anything. i think it's a skill) and we all talked. very fun. then i went with sana to salt and pepper for the three-way birthday and i got to eat cake! finally! i've been wanting to eat real proper cake with creamy chocolate frosting and proper layers for weeks now, and i got to eat scrumptious birthday cake today! yeeaaaay! couldn't bake me some goodies because the oven's been wonky for ages; gas pressure from the source is low so nothing can really be done about it, and i refuse to scald myself steaming chocolate puddings unless it's absolutely necessary. cake cake, yay for cake! and now my tummy is full, and i'm getting sleepy. how delicious.

Mina at 1:07 AM