Thursday, June 24, 2004

The magic tea-tree
Is small. It grows between
Other trees-bushes-reeds that
Are much taller than it. Also much leafier.
They arc down in a green bower and shower
Leafy kisses on people. The magic tea-tree,
Has more dignity than that. It accepts offerings
With grace bordering on disdain -Faintly-. It
Had a specific something to say to the silly
shit that gave its wish-vehicle to one of the
mundane tree-bush-reeds, though.

The magic tea-tree likes being small.
It can look up people?s noses and into their
Minds. It stands with the compact comfortableness
Short things have, easiness of everything fitting
Together nicely.
The tea-tree could be magic. Tea magic, tree magic,
Secret dryad of the tree-bush-reed grove-
Will you wish?

Mina at 9:25 PM