Saturday, May 29, 2004

i’m reading books by mad women. technically mad, socially mad, whatever (i have issues with defining madness), but round holes in square pegs nonetheless. finished the bell jar (was very moved, to say the least. more on that later, maybe), am reading mrs. dalloway. i loved ‘the hours’, i kept having that fantastic sense of all things fitting together seamlessly in a perfect kind of balance where every reference is one that you recognize and all the people you see are relevant and necessary. like being in on all the private jokes in the world. i know that my family is a little concerned with me reading madwomen books- sana and amma are reading the bell jar too (it’s a delicate kind of balancing act, multiple reader reading, an intricate dance) and yesterday were a little freaked out at all the underlining and comments and ‘lol’ that i leave in my book-reading wake. that’s just the way i read, nothing to worry about if i happen to find a madwoman book funny and terribly beautiful. hopefully :)

Mina at 8:28 PM